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Thanks to its system interface (WASI), webassembly (WASM) is out loose and hitting the server side, the cloud native applications, the container world. And what's in common? All domains where Go runs strong.
Let's explore what we can do today and what's ahead, of course, using Go!
KubeVirt extends Kubernetes by allowing users to run virtual machines side to side to containers in their Kubernetes clusters. We will have a whirlwind tour of the architecture, the challenges, the technologies, the components that make this possible.
Plot twist: sometimes Go gets in our way. While exploring the container world, we can find surprising limits if the implementation of the Go runtime, and the solutions needed to overcome those limits may be even more surprising. In this talk we will see some of those limits, and their solutions.
As a part of our commitment to sustainability, we’re planting “Speaker’s trees” on behalf of our speakers. These trees represent our effort to offset the carbon emissions from their travel. By planting trees, we’re helping to reduce our carbon footprint and combat the effects of climate change. Join us in this symbolic act and help make our conference eco-friendly.