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An introduction to a very robust approach to coding that allows programmers to write secure code without even thinking about security.
After years of working on, with and reviewing Go I collected a series of real-world examples of surprising behaviors that Go might have. I put them together in a comedic interactive talk so that we can all share some knowledge that will probably spare us some headaches in future debugging sessions and code reviews.
Most proposals to Go are rejected or take years to be accepted. This can cause major frustration in people that want them to become a reality. I will tell a tale that starts with me on the user side and ends with me on the maintainer side, and I'll shed some light on this friction.
Go is all about parallelism and concurrency, but they don’t come for free. This talk is about measuring their contention price, and being able to reduce it.
"It starts with a problem": let's follow Roberto Clapis' closing talk to see also how it ends!
Have you ever wondered what really lies behind the “go” statement? Did you ever stop and think about differences between goroutines and standard operative system threads? Is there something you should know to avoid bugs or weird, unintended behaviours?
As a part of our commitment to sustainability, we’re planting “Speaker’s trees” on behalf of our speakers. These trees represent our effort to offset the carbon emissions from their travel. By planting trees, we’re helping to reduce our carbon footprint and combat the effects of climate change. Join us in this symbolic act and help make our conference eco-friendly.