Important Information for GoLab 2024 Speakers

This page is the main source of truth from now until the day of the conference!
You may have already received an e-mail with most of this content, but this is also a place where you can always get a quick summary.

1. Emergency Contact Details: If you haven't already done so, please provide us with a quick way to contact you in case of an emergency. Rest assured, we'll only use this information in exceptional situations, and it will be deleted after the conference. You can send this information to

2. Office Hours with the Editorial Team: We've already had the pleasure of speaking with some of you, but if you'd like our feedback or have questions, you can book an office hour with our editorial team. Please send your slot proposal (from Google Calendar or to the address, specifying in the Subject that it's an office hour request. Our editorial team will choose the one closest to their availability and you'll be notified as well.

3. Submission of Presentation Slides: To ensure that your presentation is accessible and to provide quick feedback, we kindly request that you send us your presentation slides by November 1st. If you have a draft available now, feel free to share it earlier. This will give us a bit more time for review and optimization. FYI: all rooms will have an HDMI connection with the resolution of full HD 1920x1080.

4. Lightning Talks Submission: Do you have a quick and exciting idea or topic you’d like to share with the GoLab 2024 community through a Lightning Talk, or do you know someone who might have something to share? We encourage you to submit your proposals writing us to the address, specifying in the Subject that is a Lightning Talk proposal.

5. Media Kit: Following many requests from you, here comes the media kit. You can find the Google slide templates and some graphic banners for social media just to spread the word about your attendance at the conference.

6. Guests: If you plan to bring a partner or a friend, it all depends from they are interested in the whole conference or just your talk.
If they are interested in the conference, we offer you a discount code: GLB20SPK. With this discount code your friends will get a 20% discount on our ticket price.
In case they would be interested only in your talk, they can buy an Ancillary ticket. This ticket just covers our catering expenses and grants your host free access to all our coffee breaks and lunches and all the networking area, but only to your talk.

7. Timing: The standard time for the presentation are:
Discovery track: 25 mins +
5 mins room change (NO Q&A session)
Deep track: 40min + 10min Q&A
+ 10min room change

You can do something with the first 25 or 50 minutes, depending on your content or presentation style, but please leave the last 10 minutes (5 minutes for Discovery talks) as a buffer time for movement and interaction.

8. Backup questions (Only for Deep track talks): If you will, we usually suggest that the speaker tell us a few questions that the room manager can ask at the end of the talk, in case the audience is still mumbling. With this trick in hand, the ice is broken after the first question and everything goes well.

9. Tail shot for Diversity: We know that diversity is hard in a reality where the demographics are so skewed, BUT we can always provide a role model for new generations of developers. If you know someone from an underrepresented group who might be interested in presenting a lightning talk, please let them know that we value their experience!

10. Spread The Love: It would be nice to have a joyful short video of you telling your audience you will be at our conference and you’re waiting for them. Just a few seconds would be fine. This video will be published in a nice introduction video collage featuring you all!

Thank you so much for your attention! See you at GoLab 2024! Have a great day,

The GoLab Staff

GoLab is a conference made by Develer.
Develer is a company based in Campi Bisenzio, near Florence. Our motto is : "Technology to give life to your products". We produce hardware and software to create exceptional products and to improve industrial processes and people's well being.
In Develer we have passion for the new technologies and we offer our clients effective solutions that are also efficient, simple and safe for the end users. We also believe in a friendly and welcoming environment where anybody can give their contribution. This passion and this vision are what we've been driven to organize our conference "made by developers for developers".

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