This year I did something I thought I’d never do: read a book about testing in Go and complete my Red Dead Redemption 2 Domino Solver side-project.
Now, funnily enough, I do believe both are actually related.
Well, you’ll have to see the talk to find out!
Testing isn’t easy, but does it have to be hard?
I understand that’s an oxymoronic statement, but through interviews and real life accounts of developers at different skill levels ranging from the Junior to SRE (and possibly a CTO, if they reply to my emails), I aim to understand what factors can determine the enjoyability of testing a piece of code. Be it as a solo dev, in a team, or like in a really, really big team. From teeny tiny unit tests to contract testing a bunch of microservices, from Test-Driven Development to whatever the opposite of that is called, testing is inevitable.
Heck, if you’ve written a program and checked the outcome, that is a test (and, I’d wager it as the most popular option) !
If there’s one thing I’d want to be the takeaway from this talk is this:
Understanding why, with testing, some see it as a chore, some see it as a bore, and some say “Neigh! All the more!"