Past Editions
You completed the tour, learned the language, got your pet project on Github. Time to start a new project, a big one: how do you organize code, tests, docs? During the talk I’ll try to save you some trial and error by sharing the lessons learned during a year spent coding a non trivial Go project.
Success stories about rewriting Python applications in Go are not big news anymore. The pros and cons are well known, best practices are in place, the standard library is there to help. But what if there’s some Python code you would like to keep or worse, some you can’t get rid of?
Recentemente si è diffuso in Rete un certo trend di notizie che vedrebbe protagonisti sempre più sviluppatori Python intenti nel migrare a Go attraverso storie di successo; sebbene non esistano statistiche che aiutino a definire esattamente la portata del fenomeno, è comunque palpabile nella comunità Python l’interesse suscitato da Go.