In this workshop, we will start from a sample Go web application & integrate it, step by step, with the ELK stack. This will enable you to create shiny dashboards, tracking your service's logs & monitoring any issues your users might encounter. It will be VERY hands-on, so be prepared. The workshop consists of a small lecture (up to 40 mins) & a lot of hands-on exercises, the participants go through. These cover integrating a Go web application from scratch \w the ELK stack - Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana. That is the most popular & widely used system for monitoring web application logs. Participants will learn all the basic configuration they'll need to bootstrap their own ELK instances, how to emit structured logs, optimised for analysing your service's domain-specific production issues & also how to actually use their new shiny dashboards to find some "sample bugs" in our web application.