Jorge Lorenzo

Technology expert @ Telefonica

Technology expert in Telefónica, with a experience of 18 years in the design and development of products. Currently involved in the implementation of products in the security area.
I am a big passionate of software development. I love to learn new things, work with them, and make them real in new products.
My main interest is to design lightweight, scalable, high-performance services that serve millions of users. I have developed services in java/vert.x, node.js, and golang. However I’m always looking for a better language, better framework, and better practices.
My motto is “keep it simple”

Jorge Lorenzo
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Past Editions

Building a microservices architecture with Go

Microservices have become very popular to break complex systems into loosely coupled services communicated with APIs. This talk covers well-known design patterns and go frameworks to build up microservices architecture successfully, and deploy your application on any cloud provider.

Building a packet-based high-performance proxy for a telco

A successful story of reimplementing a safe-browsing proxy for Telefónica, moving from C++ and socket handling, to Go and packet management, and how Go can help you to be productive and efficient, and to achieve a high-quality product.

GoLab is a conference made by Develer.
Develer is a company based in Campi Bisenzio, near Florence. Our motto is : "Technology to give life to your products". We produce hardware and software to create exceptional products and to improve industrial processes and people's well being.
In Develer we have passion for the new technologies and we offer our clients effective solutions that are also efficient, simple and safe for the end users. We also believe in a friendly and welcoming environment where anybody can give their contribution. This passion and this vision are what we've been driven to organize our conference "made by developers for developers".

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